
Crab Nebula

来源:NASA http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/videogallery/index.html?media_id=51122301

The Crab Nebula, created by a supernova seen nearly a thousand years ago, is one of the sky's most famous "star wrecks." For decades, most astronomers have regarded it as the steadiest beacon at X-ray energies, but data from orbiting observatories show unexpected variations. Since 2008, it has faded by 7 percent, activity likely tied to the environment around its central neutron star.


约一千年前一颗超新星爆炸产生了现在的蟹状星云,它是最著名的恒星残骸之一。一直以来,绝大数的天文学家一致认为它是一个强大的X射线源。但是来自轨道天文台的数据表明,发生了一些出乎意料的事情。自从2008年来,X射线的强队已经衰退了7% ,原因很有可能与星云中心的中子星有关。


在线播放: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjM2NTgzMDMy.html

网盘下载: http://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/files/bf59560a-1ebb-11e0-b10e-0015c55db73d/